Vintage Memories

Sunday, January 08, 2006

My Love Affair

Yes, it's true...I'm having a Love Affair! Now before you gasp and run to tell my better half, let me explain. The "love affair" I'm having isn't the kind you want to keep secret. In fact I love telling everyone about it. You see, this affair is with vintage linens and old dishes! Ever since I can remember I loved anything old. Maybe it started when my grandmother made me gorgeous crocheted pillowcases for my "Hope Chest". When ever it started, it has blossomed into a serious addiction. So serious in fact that not only do I collect them for my home but also for my soon-to-be shop. Since I love reading about everyone else vintage linen, I decided to start a Blog that is unlike my others. This one will be just for my vintage items and the stories they have to tell. As the above picture will show you, I already have quite a collection. So if your a lover of roses, lace and anything else old and fragile, please check back often and take a tour of my home, shop and all my vintages pieces.


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