Vintage Memories

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Old Heirloom~~New Heirloom!

Those of you who have known me for years knows my passion for old things. Yes, passion would be the correct term as it's a love affair that rivals none. No matter how worn, rusted or chipped an item is, I can always "see" a new life for it. I do admit that there comes a time when some things can no longer be kept in the state they started in. Such is the case of this old quilt, turned stocking. Although it's worn and darn right thread bare in spots this old quilt has come to life once again. The soft pastel colors are just the right shade for my romantic bedroom. While made as a Christmas stocking it's much to pretty to be brought out once a year so instead it holds a spot on my old washstand all year long. Not a day goes by that I don't get to enjoy the beauty of it. So, if you have an old quilt that can no longer grace your bed, think instead of using pieces of it to make something new. Create your own heirloom out of someone else's!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Old Farm Apron

Today I'm taking a step back in time. Suddenly I'm a little girl again going to Grandma and Grandpa's house. A trip to their house always meant I would be spoiled rotten and given my way more than a child should be given. It also meant seeing Grandma in one of these bib type aprons. I can see her now standing at the stove removing a batch of cookies (My Grandma made the BIGGEST, FLATTEST cookies I have ever seen! Think it was all the pure lard she used in them??) using her apron as a hot pad. Then there was the trips to the hen house where the apron suddenly became a "basket" to carry fresh eggs to the house. In my mind when I think of my grandma I see her with an apron on. I hope seeing these aprons will bring some of those old treasured memories to your mind too.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Old Platter

The old box was falling apart as my Mom and I slowly pulled dishes from it. There nestled among the gorgeous rose plates, saucers and bowls was the old platter. Now faded, chipped and cracked it was but a memory of the way it once must have looked. Looking at the tiny, delicate roses one could only imagine what it must have looked like new. Was it someone's treasured platter that was only taken out for holidays or was it part of a new brides everyday dishes? The owner is now long gone. It's time for someone else to display it in their home and enjoy what is left of it's former beauty.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Antique Cupboard

For several days now I have been getting notes from some of you asking to see photo's of our home. Today I decided to share with you a picture that not only showcases some of my linens but also a glimpse into how we live. This is an old cupboard that I picked up at one of my favorite flea market. When I bought it I knew I was going to have a tough time working it into this little house but I just had to have it. Sure enough, there was no place for it when we got it home. So, we ended up "marrying" it to a piece that my fifth son had made when he was seventeen years old. While the piece he made is painted mustard and the antique piece is chipped white, I still think they work together. As you can see we have hung vintage linen both on the doors and draped them on the shelves. It's filled with pictures of our little ones, tea cups, an old pitcher and bowl that I bought at an yard sale, a German candy box , a candle and an old powder box. My favorite thing about it is the old cotton nightgown hanging from a twig on one door. I never walk by without touching it and wondering about the woman that made and wore it. Keith hates this piece because it hides a large picture window in the room but I love the romantic look it gives. It's here to stay!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pointed sided Doily

I thought I would share this sweet little doily this morning. It's nothing fancy but I do think it's kind of unusual with it's little pointed sides. I can just see it draped over the front of an old lamp shade or with a bowl of fresh cut flowers sitting in the middle of it!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

HELP, Please!!!!!

On today's vintage piece I could use a little help.~~~I'm not sure what it is! This little piece measures 14'X36". My first thought is that it is a table runner and that's how it was sold to me. In looking at it and feeling it, I'm beginning to wonder if it's not a "fancy" tea-towel. The material is kind of coarse feeling (Almost feels like an old feed sack!) and each end is embroidered in the same pattern...Reddish/maroon flowers with blue bows. If anyone has an idea what it actually is, I would appreciate you letting me know. I bought it for re-sale in my shop and would hate to advertise it has a table runner and then have someone tell me it's a tea-towel! HA

Monday, January 09, 2006

"Ladies" Luncheon Cloth

Several months ago I bought this little "Luncheon Cloth" at a flea market here in Kansas. It measures 36"X36" and is made out of fine linen. As you can see, it has a gorgeous lady with a basket of flowers embroidered on each corner. (Please try to over look all the wrinkles! HA) Just looking at it brings to mind the days when ladies use to have "Club" or "Card Parties" and used things like this, can you imagine? How they ever kept them clean and white is beyond me! From the shape this one is in, it's obvious it wasn't used much!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dishpan of Vintage Linens

Yesterday I shared with you an old Pie Safe in our shop that is filled with vintage linens. Today I am showing you how we show off even more of our collection. This is an old graniteware dishpan that my better-half got from an antique shop in Illinois. As you can see, we have filled it with vintage linen. When it comes to displaying vintage linen there are no rules. They can be draped over furniture, doors, shutters, pictures, and even on old wooden ironing boards. They also look great coming out of old trunks and old dresser drawers. So, use your imagination but above all, display your antique linens where everyone can enjoy them!

My Love Affair

Yes, it's true...I'm having a Love Affair! Now before you gasp and run to tell my better half, let me explain. The "love affair" I'm having isn't the kind you want to keep secret. In fact I love telling everyone about it. You see, this affair is with vintage linens and old dishes! Ever since I can remember I loved anything old. Maybe it started when my grandmother made me gorgeous crocheted pillowcases for my "Hope Chest". When ever it started, it has blossomed into a serious addiction. So serious in fact that not only do I collect them for my home but also for my soon-to-be shop. Since I love reading about everyone else vintage linen, I decided to start a Blog that is unlike my others. This one will be just for my vintage items and the stories they have to tell. As the above picture will show you, I already have quite a collection. So if your a lover of roses, lace and anything else old and fragile, please check back often and take a tour of my home, shop and all my vintages pieces.